Saturday, September 4, 2010

Winners of the Photo Safari Contest

Photo Contest Winner

The winners of the photo Safari were….NM and CM (You know who you are) They were excellent explorers who exhibited exceedingly extraordinary exploratory skills as well as being fabulous photographers. They have each won a $25 Empire theatre gift card!!! Way to go guys!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week Seven - Lost City Revealed!!!

Our Party was a huge success with the Monkey gift Baskets being drawn for, The big Z won one and he chose number 150 for the other winner. Hopefully M will pick up her prize soon. The Secret Word was (SAFARI). I went back to the Secret annex for one last time and said our word SAFARI 3 times. The last time I looked on the wall and the picture below apeared with the word KIJIJI under it.... Kijiji means village in swahili.

What a great day. Jungle explorers I want you to know that R.D. Alot would be proud of you …..

The Lost City of KIJIJI was found!!!!

(click on image to enlarge)

The PHOTO prize will be awarded at the end of the month with two prizes given out!!!

Come back and we will post the winners on the blog next week!

Week Six - Photo Contest

Each week we will post a picture of an animal hidden within the library. The featured animal will be based on one of the stories/books that were read in the corresponding week.

This Week's story is about a boy who loved Bananas just a little too much!!! He turned into this animal....

Can you find me?

My species are divided into two geographically separate groups - the New World species of South America and the Old World species, found in Africa and Asia.

The Old World species include some terrestrial species such as the baboons, while New World species are exclusively arboreal.

Some New World species have a prehensile, or grasping, tail. The tail can be used like a hand.

(click on image to enlarge)

Once you have located the animal you are then free to post your own picture of the hidden animal.

  • it can be the real thing (picture of the real thing that is)
  • a pet dressed up (please be careful with your pet and also have an adult help you)
  • a stuffed version of the animal
  • you can dress up as the animal
  • scan a drawing
Send your pictures to

The best picture at the end of the summer will win a prize!!

Week Six - The Lost Artifact.

Once again I have braved the dangers, delimas and dust bunnies of the Secret Annex @ the AC Hunter Library to bring back another artifact in our quest to meet the challenges, prove our worthiness and find the name of the lost city. A picture of the totem Kweli siKweli is below.
(Kweli si Kweli means true false in Swahili)

Today was our last meeting before the big reveal of the Secret word! We chose our Jungle Names and I am now Red Wind Sugar Glider. By combining our favourite colours with an elemental word (Earth, wind, rain fire) and a jungle animal we became real warriors!!!In our face paint we are a fearsome lot!

Our Brave Jungle Warriors faced another tricky challenge that required them to use all their “Jungle-knowledge” .

They had to answer true/ false questions about animals and the four who did the best won a prize!

The Last letter is a Sneaky, Slithery and Slimey one Can you guess what it is???

Email your answers to us at

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week Five - Animal Tracks

Today’s brave and intelligent crew was faced with a difficult challenge. They had to find the animal tracks hidden in the library and match them to the photo of the animal they are from.

All the explorers rose to the challenge and were awarded with their challenge bead.

Our story was a rhyming tale about a giraffe who couldn’t dance until he learned to move to his own beat! We are nearing the end of the expedition….

What will the final challenges be????

Was the letter of the week revealed, I
don't know but something tells me it is hidden within this blog!!

Week Five - Photo Contest

Each week we will post a picture of an animal hidden within the library. The featured animal will be based on one of the stories/books that were read in the corresponding week.

Can you find me?

I am among the most beautiful and marvelous creatures in all of nature. Tropical Central and South America is the richest region in the world for my species, but we can be found in many other places as well. Costa Rica has over 1300 species.

My life begins with a very tiny egg laid on a leaf. From this develops a larva, then my caterpillar stage. Eventually, the larva makes a cocoon or chrysalis. Safe inside, I develop into a pupa.

Eventually, a beautiful winged species is released from this container, flying heavenward, fully-developed. What an astounding transformation, from a humble, earth bound worm-like creature to a delicate flying wonder!

(click on image to enlarge)

Once you have located the animal you are then free to post your own picture of the hidden animal.

  • it can be the real thing (picture of the real thing that is)
  • a pet dressed up (please be careful with your pet and also have an adult help you)
  • a stuffed version of the animal
  • you can dress up as the animal
  • scan a drawing
Send your pictures to

The best picture at the end of the summer will win a prize!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Week Four - Jungle Sounds

The fourth meeting of the Royal Library Jungle Exploratory Society was held today around a campfire and a tale was told of Ufisdai the boy with a unfortunate sense of humour. In his story he liked to play tricks and found a lion, a panther and a tiger ready and waiting to help teach him a lesson!

As previous weeks, another challenge was met and conquered by our intrepid explorers. They were tasked with using their exceptional listening and deductive skills to identify 13 different animal sounds.

We made and played our Jungle Drums and had an all-around good time.

The mystery letter of this week can only be found on our Blog - can you find it?

Here's a little hint, we had a real Fun time!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Week Four - Photo Contest

Each week we will post a picture of an animal hidden within the library. The featured animal will be based on one of the stories/books that were read in the corresponding week.

Can you find me?

I am a mammal of the Felidae family, one of four ?big cats? that belong to the Panthera genus. I am a predatory carnivores.

I am easily recognizable by my stripes and my tawny fur color, which may range from yellow to orange (sometimes my kind come in white).

(click on image to enlarge)

Once you have located the animal you are then free to post your own picture of the hidden animal.

  • it can be the real thing (picture of the real thing that is)
  • a pet dressed up (please be careful with your pet and also have an adult help you)
  • a stuffed version of the animal
  • you can dress up as the animal
  • scan a drawing
Send your pictures to

The best picture at the end of the summer will win a prize!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week Three - Photo Contest

Each week we will post a picture of an animal hidden within the library. The featured animal will be based on one of the books that was read in the corresponding week.

Can you find me?

I am closely related to the crocodile. I have a broad head and rounded snout; crocodiles have triangular-shaped heads and pointed snouts. We both have the enlarged teeth, on each side of the crocodile's lower jaw are plainly visible when the mouth is closed. In my mouth, however, these teeth fit into pits in the upper jaw and are not visible when my mouth is closed.

(click on image to enlarge)

Once you have located the animal you are then free to post your own picture of the hidden animal.

  • it can be the real thing (picture of the real thing that is)
  • a pet dressed up (please be careful with your pet and also have an adult help you)
  • a stuffed version of the animal
  • you can dress up as the animal
  • scan a drawing
Send your pictures to

The best picture at the end of the summer will win a prize!!

Week Three - The Hunt is On!!

Today was our third meeting and the intrepid explorers who came to participate are the bravest yet.

The meeting started (as all meetings do) with a story. Today's tale was a cautionary tale about some monkeys who got too brave and teased a Crocodile just a little too much!!!
Our challenge today was an experiment in attention to detail and quick wits.

Our map revealed it was to be a Scavenger Hunt. Our contest pitted each explorer against one another to see who would pick the weekly prize bags and win a prize themselves.

All participants then received a bead for their challenge necklace.

Hidden inside of an ancient camera was the letter of the week - Aa.

We ended with a story and a jammin’ cleanup session.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week Two - Photo Contest

Each week we will post a picture of an animal hidden within the library. The featured animal will be based on one of the books that was read in the corresponding week.

Can you find me?

I am the largest living land mammal on Earth. My most obvious characteristic is my trunk, a much elongated combination of nose and upper lip, which can be used to grab objects such as food.

(click on image to enlarge)

Once you have located the animal you are then free to post your own picture of the hidden animal.

  • it can be the real thing (picture of the real thing that is)
  • a pet dressed up (please be careful with your pet and also have an adult help you)
  • a stuffed version of the animal
  • you can dress up as the animal
  • scan a drawing
Send your pictures to

The best picture at the end of the summer will win a prize!!

Week Two - Watch out for Carnivorous Plants

Last week while visiting the AC Hunter's secret annex I came across a pot. Inside I found several strange looking seeds and a note from R.E D'Alot. (remember each quest will reveal a letter and the letters together will reveal the lost jungle city name., this week's letter is hidden in this blog entry, can you find it? ).

It read: to the intrepid Traveler follow these instructions to the LETTER R.E D'Alot . On the other side of the note there was Please feed the Junglulious Planticus Carnivorous with to pass. So....

Junglulious Planticus Carnivorous

(click image to enlarge)

The brave and travel worn explorers of the Marjorie Mews Expedition met with the fearsome challenge of the Junglulious Planticus Carnivorous ( Jungle bug eating plant).

To complete the challenge each traveler had to feed the plant and then they could pass. The Even team was the victor but the Odd team was close on their heels. What will be the challenge next week? According to the map it has some thing to do with an eye....

Week One - Photo Contest

Each week we will post a picture of an animal hidden within the library. The featured animal will be based on one of the books that was read in the corresponding week.

Can you find me?

I am a large, plant-eating African mammal, one of only two in the family Hippopotamidae.

(click on image to enlarge)

Once you have located the animal you are then free to post your own picture of the hidden animal.

  • it can be the real thing (picture of the real thing that is)
  • a pet dressed up (please be careful with your pet and also have an adult help you)
  • a stuffed version of the animal
  • you can dress up as the animal
  • scan a drawing
Send your pictures to

The best picture at the end of the summer will win a prize!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week One - Raging River of Doom

Today we met with 22 intrepid explorers.

We set down the meeting rules, which are:

1. Be kind to your fellow Library Explorers

2. Listen carefully to stories and instructions


The first quest we had to face was the Raging River of Doom. To cross we had to work as teams.

The Odd and Even teams were both brave, however the Even team took the day. Each quest will reveal a letter and the letters together will reveal the lost jungle city name. The letter for this week was “A” .

We started our Challenge necklaces and read some funny jungle stories.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lost Jungle City @ Marjorie Mews

The Lost Jungle City has been lost for thousands of years, so long that any record of its name or location has disappeared in the dust of time. We of the Royal Library Exploratory Society are in need of new recruits to undertake this quest. Last week I was looking for some books for the summer reading program. I reached up to the top shelf and sure enough the whole thing fell down right on top of me! When I managed to dig myself out I realized that a secret door was revealed by the fallen books. When I opened the door it was dark and full of cobwebs and dust. When I finally found a flashlight and stopped sneezing I saw that it was a store room. I have brought back something for you to open with me. It looks like a mail tube that has traveled the world. I haven’t opened it yet because I wanted to open it in front of witnesses. I plan to go back to the hidden room where I found this and see if together we can piece together the clues that I find there. We will meet here to look at the map, meet challenges and gather clues to the name of this lost city. Here goes….

Do you dare reach your hand in the Jungle Box?

With every visit to the library and the checking out 5 Children books, use receive a chance to reach in to the Jungle Box and claim your prize.

Join the Royal Library Jungle Exporatory Society

Come be part of the "Marjorie Mews Expedition" and join in the adventure by becoming a member of the "Royal Library Jungle Exploratory Society".